It’s not every day that a person can just put everything they know to the side and decide to do something absolutely off course from what they know. But that’s what my podcast guest, Adrienne Peters-Henley did. I recently had an opportunity to interview Adrienne for my podcast and discovered so much about purpose. Here’s just a portion of her story.
Adrienne was living life abundantly as a gifted cosmetologist and certified medical assistant, but she realized early on that there was more for her to do. Her faith in God was so strong that she leaned on Him to make extreme life decisions. Adrienne quit her areas of skill and when she did that, she also gave up living abundantly. She gave it all up to volunteer her time to other causes. Her volunteerism led her to have to rely on government assistance as her new husband was the sole income earner.
The Merger Happened When She Quit
Let me repeat that—Adrienne went from earning two lucrative incomes fully of her own accord to volunteering and relying on government assistance. But what people couldn’t understand is that giving it all up wasn’t of her own accord, it was what God was calling her to do. Adrienne completely depended on God to lead her. God told her she was a difference-maker and that He was going to use her.
Adrienne admits there were many financial struggles along the way for the family, especially with a new baby on the way. However, she continued to lean on God and where He was taking her. Little did she know though, that God was about to merge her into businesses that would change her life. Because she was a stay-at-home mom with a small child with needs, she thought needed to be met, God led her to a program that would change her child’s life and put her on the road to something that would benefit so many other mothers.
We Must Let God Do the Impossible
“It was absolutely another day in my life in which it was another wow-God moment. Wow-God moments continue to happen for people if they acknowledge the things that they’re going through and it’s absolutely no way possible that this could happen by them. It’s a move of God.” -Adrienne Peters Henley
Adrienne says God doing his work can happen best when we stay in our own lane and allow Him to do the impossible. Nothing she did was of her own volition, but of God. Due to her obedience, two businesses were born, You Are Not Alone Mom’s Ministry (Y.A.N.A.) and Transform Financial Partners. Both businesses are beneficial to families and single mothers who could use additional resources and financial education. God continued to bless her businesses, providing them both with the resources they needed to be blessings for the people they were serving. Even in the midst of Covid, which made the businesses a little problematic, God still brought them through. Adrienne is in places now that thoroughly fulfill her and she knows she is now living her purpose.
Final Thoughts
Adrienne’s story is an example of how God can work in your life. What we see as burdens he intends to transform into blessings. Her advice is to not allow the pain that sometimes comes with purpose to throw you off course. Use all of what you have had to go through to continue to become the best version of yourself. “Purpose may come with a little pain . . . know that as much pain that comes with that, God has purposed for that to happen . . . some of it is intentional by God. Don’t get distracted, use it to keep pushing.”
Listen to the full episode of my discussion with Adrienne Henley. Don’t just listen and keep on with your life but take the time to really listen to discern your next steps to fulfill your purpose.