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Your Purpose - You’ll Know It When It Happens

Sometimes your purpose falls right into your lap when you’re not even looking for it. Such was the case for Kylene Redmond, also known as Black Diabetic Girl. I recently had a chance to sit down and talk with Kylene about her purpose for my podcast, and here are a few things I learned about her purpose.

As Kylene started to share her story on diabetes, the more she noticed the need for more awareness. Awareness was needed for women of color due to the stereotypes and stigmas that follow this audience. More oddly than not, many of the stereotypes came from medical professionals. Kylene has changed the game when it comes to the representation of people in the diabetic community, and this is how:

Providing A Safe Space for Diabetic Women of Color

When Kylene was misdiagnosed, she knew others had been as well, and she found in her search for more women like her, that such was the case. This led her to create Blackdiabetic Girl and Girl Chat and to help create Dope Diabetic Girls. Kylene provides a safe space for diabetic women of color and caregivers to connect and support one another. She also has merchandise they can purchase to have a voice.

Helping Others to See Themselves

Kylene knew she was in her purpose when other women began reaching out to her. She knew her story needed to be shared and she knew she needed to be seen to represent women who were not able to represent themselves. Seeing Kylene helped other women like her to see themselves. Conferences and panels with a diabetes focus now have more diversity and are inclusive of people of color. Kylene also hosts conferences to ensure that representation.

Final Thoughts

Kylene encourages anyone still searching for purpose to not give up.

“Your purpose, it’s there or it’s on its way and it doesn’t have to look like anyone else’s purpose. It doesn’t have to be something big, loud, and proud.” -Kylene Redmond

Kylene says that when it’s your purpose, you’ll know. She also advises not to be scared.

Listen to the full episode of my discussion with Kylene Redmond. Don’t just listen and keep on with your life but take the time to really listen to discern your next steps to fulfill your purpose.

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